take a look at these photos from the april 2019 saturday morning

class='article article--full-width-featured col-12' data-data-layers='[{'brandDetails':{'entity':'Deseret News - Church News','objective':'Content'},'pageDetails':{'pageviewType':'Standard','siteVersionNumber':'Not Specified','template':'Not Specified','siteSection1':'Leaders &..…

for the dustbin of history

Add to this the deafening silence of the political class of Valley on the issue of the handing over of control of Gilgit Baltistan to China for CPEC and what emerges is picture of its allegiance to Kashmiri territory.. ..

rebuilding socialism in the us

And above all we need to build rank-and-file working-class power within labour unions. ... Of course it‘s necessary to talk about “the working class”, and reforms that will benefit all workers, but there are many different groups within the working class who cannot..

here are 31 photos that highlight the priesthood session of april 2019

class='article article--full-width-featured col-12' data-data-layers='[{'brandDetails':{'entity':'Deseret News - Church News','objective':'Content'},'pageDetails':{'pageviewType':'Standard','siteVersionNumber':'Not Specified','template':'Not Specified','siteSection1':'Leaders &..…

see the saturday afternoon photos from april 2019 general conference

class='article article--full-width-featured col-12' data-data-layers='[{'brandDetails':{'entity':'Deseret News - Church News','objective':'Content'},'pageDetails':{'pageviewType':'Standard','siteVersionNumber':'Not Specified','template':'Not Specified','siteSection1':'Leaders &..…

high time to revisit the law of return?

I propose that full consideration be given to amend Law of Return and in particular sections 1  and  2 and in particular sub-paragraph 2 , of the law  so as deny  an oleh's visa  to Diaspora Jews of the ilk as American and Canadian   Jews and Jewish organisation  described above.. ..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.