
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) held her weekly news conference to discuss the legislative agenda. . 2,508 views . . ..

johnson – ridenbaugh press/publishing

“I think that the President has figured out that (House Speaker) Nancy (Pelosi) is not going to give the President a dime for the wall,” Risch said. ... “I think that the President has figured out that (House Speaker) Nancy (Pelosi) is not going to give the President a dime for the..

ltr mueller probe observation and nation

Welcome to the accelerating decline of US Empire, the successor to Roman Empire, and with drone bombs, iPhones, microwaves, LED TV screens, gluten-free groceries, rock'n roll, microfiber, food, lattes, regime change uber alles, thermonuclear bombs, Donald Trump, John Bolton, Monsanto, Elliot Abrams, Boeing..

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