china and macron’s u-turn

On President Xi's next stop, Paris, coming from Italy, Macron rolled out the red carpet for Chinese President and, went on to sign billions worth of new contracts with Asian leader. As was to be expected, Washington did not like Italy's moving closer to East by signing BRI..

outspoken macron aide sibeth ndiaye named new face of french

She earned a Master’s degree in healthcare economics before being named the Socialist Party’s national secretary for early childhood issues in 2009 even as she ran press relations for the Socialist president of Seine-Saint-Denis, the administrative department that comprises Paris’s..

young americans embracing socialism

French President Emmanuel Macron and Chinese President Xi Jinping applaud as the president of Airbus's and the chairman of China Aviation Supplies Co shake hands during agreement signing ceremony at Elysée Palace Paris, on March 25.. United States President Donald Trump..

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