'By abolishing serfdom, a grim and backward feudal system, Tibet was able to establish a new social system that liberated the people and made them the masters of the nation and society, thus ensuring their rights in all matters,' says a white paper, titled 'Democratic Reform in Tibet --..…
China issues white paper on democratic reform, achievements in Tibet . ( Xinhua) 17:54, March 27, 2019 . ... The white paper, titled 'Democratic Reform in Tibet -- Sixty Years On,' lauded the democratic reform as 'the greatest and most profound social transformation..…
Biden, Democratic prospect who often highlights his white working-class roots, said Hill, should not have been forced to face panel of bunch of white guys about her sexual harassment allegations against Clarence Thomas... ... Should he run, he would be among handful of white in..…
White paper: Tibet's democratic reform strengthens ethnic equality, unity . ... China's State Council Information Office on Wednesday issued a white paper on democratic reform and the leap of development in Tibet over the past six decades. . ..…
Mueller had been in helping the friend of Saudi royals, FBI Director Louis Freeh, to transfer Khobar Towers terrorist bombing case to Freeh's then-friend James Comey. ..…
But it turns out that the two judges who wrote March 25 majority opinion were white appointees of Democratic presidents, Slate and Election Law Blog.. ..…
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