
trump's plan to end hiv transmission requires gaining the trust of the

HIPS is just 1.3 miles away from Capitol where, over the course of the year, Congress will decide whether to meet President Trump's request for $931 million toward the goal of ending HIV in decade. Advocates for HIV patients and many Democrats have welcomed Trump's funding request to..!/quality/90/?

devin nunes: no rest until mueller scope memo released, 'dirty cops'

Calling for full transparency, the member of House Intelligence Committee amplified his demand to see the memo for the investigation, going further than Democrats calling for the release of Mueller report for the public to see... Allies of President Trump, including Nunes, have called..

barr scours trump-russia report to see how much to open

That decision will require him to weigh the Justice Department’s longstanding protocol of not releasing negative information about people who aren’t indicted against the extraordinary public interest in a criminal investigation into the president and his campaign. Democrats are already..

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