
you will not get what you want from the 'mueller report'

That is, if President Trump or one of his sons did something bad but not prosecutable, Barr can be expected to exclude that from his report to Congress. That means even if Democrats leak Barr's summary, or if Barr makes it public, you may not get all the dirt on the bad stuff that..!/quality/90/?

group sues justice department to obtain mueller report

The Electronic Privacy Information Center filed its Freedom of Information Act in the federal district court in District of Columbia on Friday to obtain Mueller's confidential report. ..

mueller report sent to attorney general

The delivery of the confidential findings set off swift, full-throated demands from Democrats for full release of Mueller's report and the supporting evidence collected during the sweeping probe. Barr's chief of staff called White House Counsel Emmet Flood Friday about 20 minutes before..

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