A number of them bear his name. . And this week, The New York Times and ProPublica, the journalism nonprofit, interviewed seven women who said that “Steinhardt asked them to have sex with him, or made sexual requests of them, while they were relying on or seeking his support.” . ..…
But the fact that Myers is attempting to deflect attention away from here is that it is Israel that bears primary responsibility for the refugee crisis. . ..…
Russia played in Iran nuke deal and, of course, convinced Assad to destroy Syria's chemical weapons ) The communist conspiracy was mirage covering up reality of the US continually poking Russian bear with fascists on its western border and Islamic fanatics on its southern border.. ..…
But Poles, Balts and others say Stalin also bears direct responsibility for the outbreak of war, carving up Poland with Hitler and annexing Baltic states.. ..…
In retrospect, the Obama Administration’s covert support of the ISIS in Syria and Iraq bears a canny resemblance to the Clinton administration’s support of the Militant Islamic Base in Bosnia and Kosovo. ... Who is ultimately accountable for the results of his decision – two Clinton..…
If this pressure bears fruit it will be another victory for Russia on the path to its main goal, which is to throw the ship of the Ukrainian state off balance and sink it at last.” . . . ..…
TEHRAN (FNA)- The United States slapped a fresh batch of sanctions on China over an alleged violation of the US embargo against North Korea, just weeks after a meeting between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Vietnam, which failed to bear results due to conflicting..…
'There have been powerful hydraulic pressures throughout our history that bear heavily on the Court to water down constitutional guarantees and give the police the upper hand. ..…
Given such developments, the situation in Kelantan bears close watching. . ..…
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