why jews wanted israel

It is the particular duty of the Israeli socialist movement to develop a program making for an alliance between Israel’s working class and the Arab masses against their own exploiters and ruling classes. ..


trump administration responsible for even more separated children,

That Defendants may have to change course and undertake effort to address these issues does not render of the unfair it serves to underscore the importance of the effort and why it's necessary ... ... Last month, Sabraw would first rule on whether these children were included under the..

as the democrats go socialist, they go anti-semitic -

Socialists were obliged to disprove the legitimacy of Jewish entry into the middle class by employing classic anti-Semitic stereotypes. The same problem bedevils today’s socialists who have replaced class with race, but still have to contend with the economic successes of Jews and Asians..


We are of course stronger and until now they have been unable to do a thing, and they won't be able to anything in the future.' .   .   .   .   . . . . . ..

america on the brink of fascism

Encouraging divisions of people based upon their race, religion, or orientation This tactic establishes privileged class that is entitled to enjoy all the benefits the government has to offer, while encouraging discrimination and abuses against those considered to be inferior... ..

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