iwd: 10 ways being in the eu has benefited women – and why we should

Outside of the UK politicians will be free to remove and diminish protections for women, if they consider them too burdensome on employers, or too expensive, or undesirable for any other reasons…For example, In 2012, a Conservative MEP wanted to scrap pregnant worker and agency worker regulations..,fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600/l5simxdmrroipkvpmqru.jpg

republicans invite anti-trans feminist to hearing on violence against

On Thursday morning, four people appeared before the House Judiciary Committee to testify on VAWA: Ramona Gonzalez, a Wisconsin family court judge who oversees cases of domestic violence; Sarah Deer, a law professor who has built her career advocating for the rights of Native Americans in sexual assault and..

socialist programme to end women's oppression -

The weak Tory government has not launched a major offensive against women’s legal rights as it would provoke a mass opposition movement. ... Call on Labour councils to reject Tory cuts and set budgets based on need, using their reserves and borrowing powers to fund them . c. ..

what's left?

From Day One of his administration, whether or not Trump was acting particularly Trumpy or merely advocating for conventional conservative policies such as tax cuts and border security, every response would be marked by hypermoralistic, hysterical, and apocalyptic rhetoric. ..!/quality/90/?

john roberts is voting with liberal justices, but he's not one of them

Bush, has split with the conservative justices numerous times. . In December, he sided with his liberal colleagues in upholding a lower court’s order blocking the Trump administration from implementing its asylum policy. ... In January, he joined the conservative justices in allowing the..

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