tehran times

TEHRAN - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's visit to Islamic Republic of Iran and his meeting with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and our President Hassan Rouhani, has terrified once again the enemies of the axis of resistance and security, especially the axis of evil West, Israel and Saudi..


TEHRAN (FNA)- President Donald Trump on Sunday night accused Democrats of 'presidential harassment' and again attacked the media, as scrutiny over his presidency reaches a fever pitch on Capitol Hill. . . . .  .  . . . . ..

everything wrong with the tyler administration

Eventually Tyler gave in to the ongoing politics surrounding the 1844 nominating conventions: his reputation among the Whigs was dead beyond revival and his opposition to the Dorr War was far too much for many northern Democrats to bear. Accepting his role as a one-term president, Tyler set..

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