trump admin files more briefs in religious liberty cases than obama,

President Trump is defender of the right of free exercise, and under his leadership, Department of Justice is standing up for the rights of all Americans... ... DOJ sets its own agenda, said Jeremy Tedesco, ADF's senior counsel and president of U.S advocacy, ment.. ..

changes in the wind for egypt? -

It provided for the division of powers between the executive, legislative and judicial branches and checks and balances between the prerogatives of the president and those of parliament.. ... Then there are significant changes in the judiciary The president will appoint the..


TEHRAN (FNA)- On Sunday, the North Korean state-run news agency KCNA warned against attempts to derail the upcoming summit between the North Korean leader and the US president. . . . . ..


Over the two years between 2009 and 2010, President Obama authorized more than four times as many strikes than during Bush’s entire term, at one point averaging one strike every four days compared with one strike every forty days during Bush’s term. ..

a dozen books to help weather the political storm

By the larger qualities that made him figure of stature, The homely attributes, Missouri wit, the warmth of his friendship, the genuineness of Harry Truman, however appealing, were outweighed, both great and good man, and American president.     4.  ... Mann hones in on three of the dominant..

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