iran's president faces calls to resign over economic crisis

url=, Iran (AP) — As Iran marked the 40th anniversary of its Islamic Revolution, a white-turbaned Shiite cleric at one commemoration targeted President Hassan..

what if they started a war

Hubris is when one develops extreme and unreasonable feeling of confidence in certain course of action that leads to one's downfall when that conceit proves to be based on false principles.. ... Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu was, of course, present, tweeting in advance of the gathering..

jeffrey epstein's deal with federal prosectors wasn't normal. the men

Of course, federal prosecutors are not perfect, and mistakes and lapses in communication with victims — even tragic ones — do happen. ... But, though there are stringent federal laws designed specifically to address this type of horrific conduct, Epstein was allowed to plead guilty to..

the international rogue nation: america

How much more will the peoples of the world remain suckers to the vast corporate propaganda-operation by that out-of-control beast of a rapacious regime, which displays the Orwellian nerve to label as being a ‘regime’ each and every Government that it seeks to overthrow and to call itself  a..

capital gains tax and lgbt concerns –

As for the transgender communities, they face especial challenges, given that gender identity discrimination isn't explicitly recognised within New Zealand anti-discrimination laws as yet, so they are likelier to face stronger educational and employment disruptions, compounding any existing negative impacts..

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