
'fearlessly exposed himself to enemy fire': the only 2020 democrat to

By contrast, Seth Moulton, 40, Massachusetts congressman, served four tours Iraq during his seven years as Marine Corps officer from 2001 to 2008, retiring as captain. ..

the mahablog

It’s nothing remotely close to the wall that haunts the imagination of the president and his rally crowds. The $1.375 billion is slightly less than what Democrats had previously offered him. ..

'it's dangerous': new york times publisher responds to trump's media

Earlier this month, BBC cameraman was attacked while covering Trump El Paso where the president alleged collusion between Democrats and the fake news... White House Press Sarah Sanders said in in response to the attack that the president condemns all acts of violence against any..!/quality/90/?

climate hawks fear tom steyer's presidential run could backfire

While Steyer is funder of climate change initiatives, and one of the party's top donors overall, he is also among Democrats calling for President Trump's impeachment. ..


TEHRAN (FNA)- House Democrats are slated to introduce a privileged resolution as soon as Friday in an effort to stop President Donald Trump's national emergency declaration to build a barrier along the Southern border, according to a Democratic aide. . . . . ..

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