the mahablog

The biggest one is that the abandonment of the working class by Democratic Party means that there's big of Americans that never hear anything Democrats have to say. ... The brightly painted homes that line Santa Teresa de Cajon, many paid for by wages earned 4,000 miles away, are the fruits of..,fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600/zosgkt2hk8v5vvyndp4m.jpg

southern poverty law center report shows hate groups grew in 2018

SPLC defines hate group as organization that based on its official statements or principles, ments of its leaders, or its activities has beliefs or practices that attack or malign entire class of people, typically for their race, religion, ethnicity, orientation or identity. ... Trump's messages..

the takeover of the american mind

Margaret Wente at the Toronto Globe and Mail wrote that this would make professors afraid to criticise the work of female students or talk to them outside class. . ... Neo-Marxism isn’t quite right because the leftist impulse has no connection to the historical materialism and class-based..

us media erase years of chavismo’s gains

Guatemala, Guyana and Honduras are categorized as “Medium Human Development,” the group below the one to which Venezuela belongs and the second lowest HDI category. . ... The Post seems not to have made any mention at all of the improvements the Bolivarian Revolution brought to the poor and..

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