
the upcoming supreme court term is stacked with important cases

Colorado Civil Rights Commission in 2018, these cases will be the first to begin sifting the implications of Supreme Court decision recognizing same-sex marriage. ..

un / palestine

What is the advantage to Palestinian people and their friends to start walking away from this global consensus and entertain new ideas and to begin the process of building something different we and the community tens of years until we reached that moment.. 12. ... He asked what is the advantage..

the takeover of the american mind

study of psychology academics America shows that the ratio of Democrats to Republicans began to soar only in the late 1980s, rising from 1 to 1 by 2014 'Sexism, 'racism and 'homophobia all enjoy in use beginning in the late 1980s when correctness entered English and Allan Bloom wrote his..


TEHRAN - human rights group said Bahraini regime has revoked the citizenship of dozens of people since the beginning of the year as Al Khalifah dynasty continues with its crackdown on human rights activists and pro-democracy campaigners in the kingdom... ..

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