iran: 40 years after the revolution • the berkeley blog

Since 1979, the country has found itself in an ongoing cycle of infighting and factionalism within Iran’s domestic politics, the hostage crisis (1980–1981), a bloody war with Iraq (1980–1988), the rise of the reformist movement (1990s), and the signing of a nuclear deal with the major countries in the..

war finance (germany)

Through much of the war Germany’s trade deficit was just 50 percent of its imports, whereas the trade deficit for France, Italy and Russia hovered between 60 and 80 percent. . ..


Kurdish forces trying to reach agreement with Damascus through holding talks and also within the framework of Syria's, Arabic-language service of Russia Today cited SDF military council.. ..

one man vs. a dead river

This puts Russia’s yuan share at about 10 times the average for global central banks. ... In “Stone Indictment Underscores That There Was No Trump-Russia Conspiracy,” Andrew McCarthy pointed out: . ..

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