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The list of systematic Muslim massacres is gruesome: From 1964 in Kolkata and 1983 in Nellie to 1987 in Hashimpura all the way to the Gujarat slaughter of Muslims in 2002, in which the then chief Minister of Gujarat and now the prime minister of India, was allegedly involved in orchestrating..

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In his 2014 article “Germany’s Urgent and Dangerous Military Decision,” Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote: . ... In his booklet Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry writes (emphasis added): . ..


'Al-Jolani (Al-Nusra Front chief commander) was injured and two of his Uzbek aides were also killed in the twin simultaneous blasts in Idlib's al-Qasour region,' the Arabic-language service of Russian Sputnik News Agency quoted local sources as saying on Tuesday. . ..

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To learn more about this prophecy, read “A Mysterious Prophecy,” by Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry. . . ... Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote, “We must see what is now rapidly building in Europe. ..

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In Summary View of the Rights of British America (1774), Jefferson enjoined King George III: “This his Majesty will think we have reason to expect when he reflects that he is no more than the chief officer of the people, appointed by the laws, and circumscribed with definite powers, to assist in..

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