40th anniversary of the iranian revolution

At the time, as result of its programme of allying with what it saw as the bourgeoisie as the next step in developing Iran it failed to use its mass influence to mobilise the working class and poor around socialist programme and thereby failed to take advantage of that historic chance.  . ... ..

one hundred years since the seattle general strike

Sparked by the appeals of shipyard workers, for six days the working class united across industries took control of the life of the city of Pacific Northwest.. ... Thousands of federal troops, police and even upper-class university students were mobilized to suppress the struggle.. ..

cato unbound

This could refer to an individual’s clan, caste, class, religious affiliation, or ethnicity. ... Powerful states have been and still are capable of repressing minorities, of course. ..


We are of course stronger and until now they have been unable to do a thing, and they won't be able to anything in the future.' . ..

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