abbas claims jerusalem embassy is ‘slap of the century.’

Historically, the strip of land we now call Israel is mentioned in the Bible as being the land that God promised the children of Israel (Jacob). ... In fact, it was during Abba’s reign that he lost Gaza to the Hamas, a religious, political party that does not recognize Israel‘s..

“we—the global 99%—shall overcome!”

This extremist ideology has taken over Israel, leading to what some international law experts have termed, “acts of genocide” being perpetrated by Israel in the occupied and brutally besieged Gaza Strip. ... Israel and its very well-oiled lobby groups, as well as some of the..

hedging radical islam -

How long is the US going to ignore their activities and alliances with Turkey, who is also a big supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood, and Iran who is a declared enemy of both Israel and the US.. And why is Qatar allowed to gain influence in Gaza? In addition Jordan is home to the head office..

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