venezuela news: russia warns trump against military intervention

WASHINGTON  Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday warned against destructive interference Venezuela from outside forces and called President Nicolas Maduro to reaffirm Moscow's support for the leader  one day after Trump administration declared Maduro's presidency illegitimate. . ..

venezuela at another crossroads

In 2002, dissident military officers with the support of media, opposition politicians, and Metropolitan Police removed Hugo Chávez from office for 48 hours while Pedro Carmona, the President of Venezuelan Federation of Chambers of Commerce, declared president. ..


The Telegraph, a British newspaper, doesn’t just call out United States President Donald Trump’s sexism, it tracks sexist remarks made by him from the 1980s until now. ..


On Wednesday, US President Donald Trump recognized Venezuelan Juan Guaido marking the in the feud between Washington and Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro.. ..

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