
byron york: what if robert mueller doesn't give democrats what they

Congress of course is the entity with the most at stake when it comes to such a crime. ... Of course, House Democrats are already starting, or promising to start, all sorts of investigations into the president and his affairs. ..

garcetti v. ceballos [04-473]

Because Ceballos' memo falls into this category, his allegation of unconstitutional retaliation must fail. ... Because Ceballos' memo falls into this category, his allegation of unconstitutional retaliation must fail. .      ..

kamala harris’s controversial criminal justice record, explained

class='c-picture' data-cid='site/picture_element-1548696609_4630_74936' data-cdata='{'asset_id':13707199,'ratio':'*'}'> Sen. ... class='c-picture' data-cid='site/picture_element-1548696609_4100_74941' data-cdata='{'asset_id':13707490,'ratio':'*'}'> . ..

government news 23/12

Training course on civilian protection in peacekeeping operations opens in Hanoi . . . Representatives of the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations and attendees of the course pose for a group photo. ..


Talebzadeh, meantime, said that the detention of Press TV resulted in type of victory for her because not even Iranian people except also American people and international journalists have shown reaction to her detention.. ..

east asia’s decoupling

Underpinning both dynamics is the emergence of hundreds of millions of middle-class consumers in the world and the still sizeable investment needed for these economies to continue catching-up with Western levels of income.. ..

judge declares iowa fetal heartbeat law unconstitutional

url= MOINES, Iowa (AP) — A state judge on Tuesday struck down Iowa's restrictive ' fetal heartbeat' abortion law, which would have been the most restrictive..

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