beyond nato: time to break the silence, end nato’s militarism

King's conscience drove him to take the unpopular position of publicly criticizing Vietnam War and putting it in the context of the giant triplets of racism, materialism, and militarism.. ... World Beyond War is organizing No to NATO — Yes to Peace Festival, food, music and teach-ins on April..

we need a martin luther king day of truth

Across the in response to King Holiday and Service Act passed by Congress and signed by Bill Clinton in 1994 people will be encouraged to make the day one of service. ... By anyone concerned with truth and justice, Those are the words of William Pepper, King family lawyer, from his..

asheville's 2019 women's march draws thousands despite bitter cold

the crowd was smaller than years past, the demonstration was quite robust,  spanning at one point the entire distance from Pack Square to Martin Luther King Jr. ... Carter, Durham activist who has been organizing for justice since 1967, asked the young people gathered before her shivering..

dr. king's legacy and nuclear disarmament

Martin Luther King, Jr received letter from Norman Cousins and Clarence Pickett of National Committee for Sane Nuclear Policy. King was also an activist for disarmament and urged peace during Cold War nuclear arms race. ..

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