
Recently, he supported Australia’s decision to recognize western Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. ..

middle east pretense

With Turkish help, they moved into northwestern Hama province and western Aleppo province. ... Obama regime launched aggression, escalated by Trump, has been ongoing for nearly eight years with no prospect for resolution because US aims to replace Assad with pro-Western puppet rule,..


US Army Planning to Set Up Military Headquarters in Western Iraq  . . ... US Enhancing Military Buildup in Western Iraq  . . . . . . . . Israel’s Not So Secret Program to Arm Terrorists in Syria . ..

happy birthday, wikipedia, you're all grown up now

Every generation's encyclopedists face adversaries - in the 18th century, Denis Diderot and other authors of the Encyclopédie were denounced as heretics - and today's Wikipedians confront serious challenges: an often hostile editing environment with regular editors who 'bite' the newbies, a long-term..

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