
record number of families arrested at southern border in december

Caravans of people fleeing violence, unemployment, and crime El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras have allowed families to north without having to pay the average $8,000 fee for smugglers to get them through Mexico.. ..

trump’s deal of the century: will we see peace between israel and

In so doing they generally miss his rather substantial accomplishments – paving the way for North Korea to join the family of nations by limiting their nuclear ambitions, terminating the idiotic Iran agreement, its right to obtain nuclear weapons in a few years, ramping up sanctions..

will trump rule by decree?

He defied the advice of his advisors to sit down one-on-one with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. ... A deal with North Korea would require congressional consent. His decision to remove troops from Syria has already been modified by members of his own administration, with National Security..


Aali Abar A, Boenke N, Pollard M, Rühli F, Stöllner T, Brothwell D, Good I, Le Bailly M, Link K, Mashkour M, Mowlavi G, Nezamabadi M, Nasab MV, Warinner C Ancient Salt mining and salt men Chehrabad Douzlakh project in north-western Iran. ..

adreyn yates

Heartfelt Yoga, locally owned in Short North, has invited Columbus's community to relax and unwind Saturday afternoon at their self-care fair from 1-4 p.m. ..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.