Barry McCaffrey on MSNBC (8/9/16) (screengrab: MMFA) . . And yet Donald Trump has twisted around relationships for folks who hew strongly to the idea of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” ... He’s on MSNBC because now he’s an expert, apparently, on Trump and..…
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez responded to President Donald Trump's Oval Office address Tuesday evening, claiming illegal immigrants act more American than proponents of border security.. In interview with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, Ocasio-Cortez accused President Trump of holding the..…
Closer to home, there is the newly reelected Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, who, when asked about Trump’s policies and Russian President Putin, told MSNBC’s Joy Reid: “I think that the president’s relationship with thugs all over the world is appalling. ..…
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