The bill, known as First Step Act, is the culmination of years of work by the likes of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley and Sen. ..

russia and the liberals

 Explaining how she could have lost to the likes of Donald Trump was challenge.  ... And, of course, the war on truth, justice, and American way is not confined to the more odious duopoly party.  ..


government accused of breaking school funding promise

Up and down the country schools are increasing class sizes, reducing teachers and school staff, cutting subjects from the curriculum and leaving building repairs undone.. ... With rising pressure on class sizes and teachers leaving in droves, generation of children is paying the price..

india: general strike on 8 and 9 january

By the brutality of the deeply entrenched, Similarly to the death of Rohit Vemula, in the year of 2016, Anita's death was caused Caste System and exposed the failure of India's class in developing the society. ... Capitalism shows no way out fighting, militant, combative approach is necessary in..

police briefs 01-02-2019 – revere journal

After search, one of the women was found with amounts of Class A, Class B and Class E drugs on her person. Taryn Conley, 32, of South Boston, was charged with receiving vehicle, operating vehicle with suspended license, possession of Class A drug, possession of..


tpdnews: mbta employee verbally assaulted with racial epithet.

The  TPD has zero tolerance for action, however slight, directed towards someone's race, ethnicity, gender, orientation or any other protected class to degrade or demean while on MBTA system whether as employee or media inquiries should be directed to Superintendent Richard Sullivan at..

david leyonhjelm on inequality

Just over two thirds of young people are not engaged in the type of tertiary level education their high taxes paying for, and the common household Sweden is single adult, unlikely to avail themselves of free childcare.. ..

are we fascist yet?

Rather, the sources of American fascism are broadly structural, class cutting, organizational, and have their ideological basis in faux or unserious, artificial belief in the nation.. ... Modern Fascism does not overtly offer up elite whose mission it's to eradicate national, ethnic, or..

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