how false confessions became an american criminal justice phenomenon

A “help you, to help us,” type of scenario is how Deskovic later described it. ... Over the course of the next few hours, Deskovic said he was psychologically broken. ..

the decline of american peyote

“I have a big problem with anybody that would say we are short, because now they’re putting themselves in the same category as God, and he’s the one that put it here on earth,” Johnson added. ..


The arts institution needs to be both a safe space and brave space that drives a new type of creativity. ... As arts and cultural institutions we need to stay the course, be brave, and continue to change perceptions. . ..

journal staff

Q.1 Expanded Slot Machine Gambling This proposed law would allow the state Gaming Commission to issue one additional category 2 license which would permit operation of a gaming establishment with no table games and not more than 1,250 slot machines. ..

the yellow vest insurgency: what’s next?

Paris, France, December 2018 insurgency of the working class starts France as Yellow Vests occupy the streets.. ... It goes without saying that, over the past three decades, globalization set the table for dissolution of the middle class as wages around the world collapsed into SE Asian..

escape from the trump cult

Of course, Trump did not build his cult of followers—his in-group—ex nihilo; in many ways, the stage was set for his entrance. ... Daryl Davis has played the blues for over 30 years, including with the likes of Chuck Berry and Jerry Lee Lewis. ..

the clintons vs. the american spectatorthe american spectator

In the major reminiscences of Clinton, 20 years later, including intriguing piece the Atlantic and six-part series on A&E television network, American Spectator is mentioned, and the likes of Brock are interviewed, and somehow no one bothered to give ring to Tyrrell or to Pleszczynski.. ..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.