
It should reverse course, and future administrations should strive to put refugee admissions on a stronger political and operational footing. . . . . 1 of 106 . ..


A hand-crafted clay bowl meant so much more than a grade in art class. . ...

geneva / bachelet human rights

These civilians are of course frightened and stuck between the intensifications of the airstrikes and bombardments against ISIL on one hand, and also being prevented from leaving the areas under ISIL's control on the other hand, .. ..

notable deaths in 2018

French fashion Hubert de Givenchy, aristocrat who founded the house of Givenchy in the 1950s, becoming famous for dressing the likes of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and Grace Kelly, died March at the age of 91. ..

history major maintains popularity

Between October 2017 and September 2018, Brown has increased its course offerings in history from 42 to 46 classes, with 1,082 students and 1,385 students, respectively, enrolled. . ... The most popular major for the class of 2019 is economics. . Carly Wanna | . . . . ..

town hall discusses asian-american studies

The event kicked off with presentation from Hu, that the project originated from lack of Asian- American studies classes beyond Lui's Asian- American history class. ... The professors at the hall emphasized the importance of introducing upper-level research classes beyond Lui's course. ..

loss and bravery: intimate snapshots from the first decade of the aids

You know, portrait studio-type lighting, on location. So for me, the important thing was, no matter how tragic this was, the fact that this person was willing to talk to us and share her story, and allow herself to be photographed, I wanted to make sure it was a beautiful photograph. ..

cheers! 85 years since prohibition was repealed

People also imbibed at ice cream stores, soft drink shops, beauty parlors, and funeral homes, and, of course, at their homes, according to W.J. ... ‘Drinking also took place discreetly in ice cream stores, soft drink shops, beauty parlors, and funeral homes,’ he wrote, and, of course,..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.