
byron york: from fishy beginning, mueller case against

'The two people who interviewed [Flynn] didn't think he was lying, [which] was not [a] great beginning of a false statement case,' McCabe told the Intelligence Committee. . ..

a world in revolt

As Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote in “The Deadly Climate Change Deception,” “God will continue to ratchet up the weather disasters until we finally begin to listen to Him! ..

press availability at nato headquarters

I want to begin this evening by expressing my condolences to the Bush family on the passing of a great man, President George H. ... The six-month period will begin to run 60 days from now. During the 60 days, we will still not test or produce or deploy any systems, and we’ll see what..

presstv-federal judge approves lawsuit against trump

federal judge in United States has granted permission to law courts Maryland and Washington, DC,  to begin issuing subpoenas in lawsuit targeting President Donald Trump for doing business with foreign governments.. Messitte issued order on Monday beginning the phase. By doing business..

gassing migrants

After all, lots of people are understandably fleeing terror states in Latin America — terror states the U.S. government helped to create beginning decades ago (including abominations committed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton) — and Trump has staked his political life on “securing the..;630;7;70;5.jpg

california secretary of state alex padilla wants to change how america

“Demographics already were what they were [in 1994],” said Padilla, “but Proposition 187 encouraged people like my parents who had been here for years and years as legal permanent residents to finally begin the naturalization process to become citizens to not only protect themselves and their..

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