Khashoggi, a frequent critic of the Saudi royal family, was murdered.” . ... …For the longest time, the president was dismissive, saying ‘I have spoken to the royal family, and they have denied they had anything to do with it.’” . ..…
The only constitution was the Koran as interpreted by the royal family. ... That same year, an armed band of Sunni fundamentalists denounced the Saudi royal family and seized the Grand Mosque in Mecca, taking tens of thousands of religious pilgrims hostage. ..…
Des Roches says that while Canadian combat vehicles are purchased by the Saudi National Guard, which is supposed to function as an internal “coup-protection force” for the Royal family, the Guard has increasingly been operating at the border and beyond in a role traditionally reserved..…
Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on Progressive Radio News Hour on Progressive Radio Network. ..…
Royal Family, Police, CPS, Prime Ministers, MP's, London's Muslim mayor, and other authorities DON'T CARE.. ... Az gal, Do you not know that Royal Family know who Meghan is and that they are all DELIGHTED with Harry's of wife.. ..…
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