And so, it antagonizes, provokes China, in all imaginable ways possible, from the US military buildup Asia Pacific, to encouraging several Southeast Asian countries plus Japan to politically and even irritate PRC. ..…
The readout of Putin-Abe talks Singapore prompted many observers to speculate that Russia may be ready to return Kurile Islands back to Japan.. ... Assumptions about the return of Kuriles to Japan have already raised cries of concern in Russian media. ..…
This year, during two-day review of Japan's record, UN Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination urged the government of Japan to do more for victims of wartime and offer full redress and reparations. ... I'm planning to go to Japan to speak on the issue and call for..…
While Japan is dire need of foreign workers to make up the deficit caused by Japan's rapidly aging and shrinking population, opposition party members fear that the lack of detail in the bill could create loopholes through. ... Japan's top spokesperson, Chief Cabinet Secretary..…
TOKYO, Nov 28 -- Parliamentary debate began Wednesday in the upper house of parliament of Japan on bill that would open the door to allow more blue-collar workers amid the labor shortage.. ... While Japan is dire need of foreign workers to make up the deficit caused by Japan's..…
(Two hundred and fifty thousand tons of U.S. bombs fell on Cambodia in 1973, more than were dropped on Japan in all of World War II.) ..…
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