
republicans must resist democrats' dangerous nuclear disarmament plans

Those platforms are of utility only against lower capability nuclear threats such as North Korea, and they fuel hyper-aggressive countermeasures from China and Russia. ..!/quality/90/?

map: illegal immigrants in 42 states, 4.1 million us-born children

While illegal immigrants are found big numbers in 42 states, -- Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, West Virginia, Alaska, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota -- but characteristics of unauthorized immigrants could not be estimated due to small samples, said the pro-immigration group.. ..

trump administration dumps devastating climate change report on

Instead of acknowledging these facts, the right has typically responded with denial and by pointing to irrelevant facts such as short-term cold snaps that do not rebut the generally verifiable fact that average global temperatures are rising and that there have already been measurable changes in climate in..

notable deaths in 2018

U.S. evangelist Billy Graham, who counseled presidents and preached to millions across the world from his native North Carolina to communist North Korea during his 70 years in the pulpit, died at the age of 99. ... U.S. evangelist Billy Graham, who counseled presidents and preached to..

us prepares for global war

President Trump, whose instincts, on the campaign trail, were to pull out of America's Middle Eastern quagmires, turned out to be ready to escalate tensions with China, Russia, Iran, and even North Korea.. ..

global health disruptors: aids

By refusing to accept the status quo, This response, mounted by gay activists North America and Europe and community organisers Africa in the mid-to-late 1980s, showed what could be achieved with the power of strategic action and.. ..

saudis going nuclear? a partial case can be madethe american spectator

They know Iran has partnered with North Korea in developing nuclear weapons and the missiles capable of delivering them. . In all probability, Iran will within the next year or less — if it hasn’t already — obtain nuclear weapons by developing its own or purchasing them from..

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