america lost

Word came through during Forum that nato will not be holding celebration, because the president of United States cannot be trusted not to bring the temple down upon all our heads. ..

how to win a hybrid war

On diplomatic front a concurrent peace initiative should be launched to parry the negative confluence of Indo-US entente cordiale against the interests of Pakistan. ... Let a thousand flowers bloom should be our diplomatic credo while going hell for leather against those waging a hybrid war against..

screaming reports on russian gru's death

He was accused of in the poisoning of Sergey and Yulia Skripal clearly staged US UK flag, unjustifiably blaming Russia for the stunt they pulled, part of blaming Kremlin for all sorts of US Western staged offenses Russian officials had nothing to do with, fact notably the ago discredited..


TEHRAN - The US is gathering intelligence about Hashd al-Shaabi bases in different parts of Iraq for imminent raid on the popular forces, on Saturday.. ... Meantime, local sources al-Anbar province reported that the US has mounted CCTVs across the town of al-Ratbah, including one at the..

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