
trump talked to white house counsel about having doj prosecute hillary

McGahn will not comment on his advice to the president, said McGahn's, William Burck, told Times.. McGahn would point out, that the president never, to his knowledge, ordered that anyone prosecute Hillary Clinton or James Comey... ..!/quality/90/?

senate democrats condemn trump decision not to punish saudi crown

Senate Democrats on Tuesday condemned President Trump's announcement that he is standing by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman despite the widespread belief the royal ordered the killing of Jamal Khashoggi.. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., former chairwoman of Senate Intelligence..

us vice president beats war drums in asia

US president beats war drums Asia. US Vice President Mike Pence used Asian summit meetings over the week to set out ultimatum to China that accelerates the drive to war. ... Pence ruled out any deal between Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping at G20 summit Argentina later..

president hails brunei proposal

  The president welcomed Bruneian companies to expand exports to China, saying that China would like to enhance cooperation with Brunei infrastructure, agriculture, fisheries and energy.. ..

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