After increasing 67 percent in 2015 and 19 percent in 2016, “Anti-Islamic (Muslim)” hate crime decreased in 2017 but remained well above historical averages with 273 incidents reported. . ..…
Along with Muslim Association of Britain and Islamic Society of Britain, MCB as organisation with Muslim Brotherhood affiliations.. ... Islam, in the century form, advocated by Muslim Brotherhood and others, is totalitarian theocratic system and therefore sees..…
Over the past decade, Islam Al-Beheiri, Sayed Al-Qimni, Nawal Al-Saadawi, Nasr Hamed Abu Zeid and other thinkers like Yossef Zydan were all convicted for the offense of analyzing the life and conduct of Islamic religious icons and figures. Interestingly, Yossef Zydan was not arrested for..…
Democrats have proposed changing a long-standing rule banning House members from wearing hats on the chamber floor, in order to accommodate the first Somali Muslim woman, Ilhan Omar, elected to Congress — who insists on wearing what can only be described as a misogynistic, Islamic..…
There is also the fear of Sunni Muslim youth in Nigeria being converted to Shia Islam. . ..…
But the with beginning of decolonization across the world, pan- Islam and Political Islam has taken position of transformation across the independent Muslim states. ..…
Mihrab responded that the pastor of church could hold the ceremony, and Muslims present vowed that they would not allow the body to be buried, saying Mihrab and her were 'betrayers of Islam... ... Egyptian Fatwa House, Islamic research centre presided over by the government, declared in..…
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