sara dogan

University of North Carolina: Whitewashing Anti-Israel Terrorism . UNC SJP invited the daughter of convicted terrorist Sami Al-Arian to campus. . ..

a california jew in a time of anti-semitism

Wherever I have lived, whether in New York, northern California, North Carolina, Manchester, England and Mexico City, I have experienced anti-Semitism. ... In Sonoma County, an hour North of San Francisco I heard the kinds of comments about Jews that I had not heard since the 1950s, namely,..

growing frustration in moscow at trump’s inability to deliver

Later Putin told Russian journalists the talks with Pence were a rehearsal of the possible topics of future talks with Trump in Buenos Aires at the G20: strategic stability, the future of the New START arms control treaty, which expires in 2021, the INF, Iran, North Korea and Syria, where US..

north korea deports american even as it boasts of new weapon

FILE - In this March 12, 2014, file photo, North Korean, center top, looks at the southern side. ... Yang Wook, Seoul-based military expert, said a tactical weapon North Korea refers to weapon aimed at striking South Korea including U.S military bases there, so North may have..

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