“Absent any recession, the (tax revenue) growth rates remain conservative and well below growth experienced in prior recoveries,” the Office of Policy and Management wrote in its report. . ..…
She was on hand to accept the Barbara Olson award, named after a beloved conservative commentator who was killed in the Sept. 11 attacks. . ..…
Rabbi Julie Schonfeld became the first woman to serve as chief of major organization when she was tapped to lead Conservative Rabbinical Assembly in 2009. ..…
Finally, someone put it all together, identifying Horst Seehofer, the head of Bavaria’s conservative Christian Social Union and Chancellor Angela Merkel’s interior minister and coalition partner, who has on multiple occasions threatened to torpedo her government over the issue of immigration. . ..…
Under incessant associational attack on the word “liberal,” few politicians now brandish their beliefs as “liberals,” while many tout some of their views as “conservative.” . ... Instead they either often cite their “conservative” credentials, for example on spending, or use..…
Nevertheless, it remains staple of conservative rhetoric, canard invoked to frighten Americans into believing that United States is on the slope to some version of EU — eventually world state. ..…
May faced torrent of in the chambers as members of Parliament, including those from her own Conservative Party, stood and denounced Brexit plans act of naive folly or looming disaster.. ..…
Gareth Porter is an investigative reporter and regular contributor to The American Conservative. ..…
Lamont’s initial approach to budget is conservative . | November 15, 2018View as 'Clean Read' . . . . ctmirror.org . ..…
Joel Kurtinitis of Des Moines is a homeschooler, conservative-libertarian writer and millennial political activist, who contributes regular columns to the Register. ..…
KDKA: Conservative Group Threatens To Take Pitt To Court Over Security Fee For Controversial Podcaster’s Appearance . ..…
This past May, Trump leadership on meaningful, conservative justice reform helped the House to pass Formerly Incarcerated Reenter Society Transformed Safely Transitioning Every Person Act by vote of 360 to 59.. ..…
– Rachel Lu, The American Conservative . One Couple's Fight to Honor God With Their Bakery – Benjamin Hawkins, Focus on the Family . 37.8 Percent in Generation That Starts Turning 21 Next Year Was Born to Unwed Moms – Terence P. ..…
He knows conservative Americans generally distrust the media and plays to that perception. ..…
Writing in 1992, he said: With almost blitzkrieg swiftness, by the early 1960s, the new global crusading conservative movement, transformed and headed by Bill Buckley, was almost ready to take power in America. ... But if, by the middle and late 1960s, Buckley had purged the conservative..…
Federalist Society, conservative and organization designed to counter orthodox liberal ideology within American legal system, has built web of chapters in cities and law schools across U.S — including at Harvard Law School. ... Lingo, Law School graduate and president of Federalist Society's..…
The state supreme court also changed hands, turning from conservative to progressive. . ..…
Labour this morning confirmed it would vote against the plan, with the opposition expected to be to be joined by MPs from the DUP, as well as both remainers and leavers from Theresa May’s own conservative party. . . ..…
If hidden unemployment (given the depressed participation rate) is added to the broad ABS figure the best-case (conservative) scenario would see a underutilisation rate well above 15 per cent at present. ..…
Rees-Mogg Submits Letter of No-Confidence in May as Tory Leader . TEHRAN (FNA)- Hardline backbench Brexiteer, Jacob Rees-Mogg, handed in a letter of no-confidence in Theresa May as leader of the Conservative Party, in protest at the UK/EU Brexit deal, she is set to present to parliament. . ...…
Even media that is supposedly conservative. . If POTUS does not get the rule of law back on track, all his gains will be for nothing. ... Conservative Heroes & Legislative Contact List . . Blog Of The Year . . ..…
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