the president and the press

Kennedy held frequent press conferences—23 a year, according to Martha Joynt Kumar, a presidency and media scholar—and also had an ongoing relationship with Ben Bradlee, then Newsweek‘s Washington bureau chief. ... Reporters are obligated (the wires, in particular) to get the chief..

beltway baloney on “speaking truth to power”

When seven-term congressman and low-watt Republican functionary Porter Goss was nominated in 2004 to become CIA chief, Sen. ... The “speaks truth to power” surge hit new high-water marks this spring with the nomination of Gina Haspel to be CIA chief. ..

department press briefing

Khalil Yusif Mahmoud Harb is a close advisor of Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Lebanese Hizballah, and has served as the group’s chief military liaison and Palestinian terrorist organizations. ... MS NAUERT: I think the Secretary is in the role of being the nation’s chief diplomat at this..

government news 13/11

On November 13, on the work of General Prosecutor of Supreme People's Procuracy and Chief Justice of Supreme People's Court this year along with government reports on the prevention of and combat against crime and legal violations, the enforcement of judgments, and prevention and combat in 2018. . ..


Addressing the UN chief in this message, Marandi affirmed that the US sanctions are devised in a way to obstruct all banking transactions between Iran and the whole world so much so that the embargos will prevent Iran from purchasing essentially needed medicines and medical equipment. . ... Nuclear..

germany invades norway, again

“This man doesn’t come to power the honorable way—by being voted into office,” Trumpet editor in chief Flurry wrote in November 2002. ... For more on where this is leading, read Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry’s article “A Bold Warning: America’s Economic Collapse.” ...

france's prophesied betrayal of america

In his booklet , Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry writes about Iran’s strategy to use radical Islamic terrorism to control the Middle East, while keeping the attention off the regime itself. ... To learn about how this repentance will eventually come to America after a time of intense..

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