
fearing house democrats, anti-abortion groups protect ban on abortion

The President should issue immediate veto threat any time standing pro-life policies, for example Hyde amendment, are stripped from legislation, said Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life.. Officials with Planned Parenthood declined to say if the health and provider would call on..!/quality/90/?

republican gains may have put senate out of reach for 2020 democrats

If Democrats win those seats, to get to 50 (assuming a Democratic vice president gets elected and becomes the tie-breaking vote) Democrats would have to win three out of the following five states: Arizona, Texas, Iowa, Georgia, and North Carolina. ... That makes it extremely..!/quality/90/?

michael barone: neither party's prayers were answered

Print this article.. he Republican president, considered lightweight and ignoramus by many Washington, suffers in the off-year elections, losing several seats and effective control in House, while maintaining and perhaps strengthening his party in Senate. ..

pity latin americans (and us too)

The dictator tends to favor conservative economic policies while, at the time, using his military and intelligence goons to round up and incarcerate unpatriotic critics and socialists, torture them, and even execute or disappear them. ..

still the smartest guy in the room

In the midterm elections of November 6, 2018, the American people rewarded the president – for only the third time in almost a hundred years – with a net gain of three and possibly four Senate seats, lost half the House seats that his predecessor lost, and left the radical left-wing Democrats not..

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