
a guide to major ballot measures in the 2018 midterm elections

Brazilian President-elect Jair Bolsonaro offers the hope of Latin American government that will partner with Trump administration to stymie the influence of socialist regimes in the region and back Trump's pro-Israel, anti-Iran push in Middle East, according conservatives... ..!/quality/90/?

pence's little-noticed speech marked a new us realism toward china

Brazilian President-elect Jair Bolsonaro offers the hope of Latin American government that will partner with Trump administration to stymie the influence of socialist regimes in the region and back Trump's pro-Israel, anti-Iran push in Middle East, according conservatives... ..

dead jews--what else is new?

By erudite scholars who posit theories ranging from resentment that, But Jew hatred is very powerful, written about in thousands of books and articles God selected Jews as his chosen people, to the myth that Jews killed Jesus, to the accusation that Jews are either greedy capitalists or cruel communists, to..

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