army’s detailed iraq war study remains unpublished years after

Army Times contacted Office of Chief of Public for more information on when the study would be published and why it was not conducted by Army Center for Military History... ... The chief of the historical services division for Army Heritage and Education Center at Army War College,..

mark wu appointed professor of law

The Chief, Ten Years In: A tribute to John G. Roberts Jr. ’79 on his first decade as chief justice of the United States . . . ... The Chief, Ten Years In: A tribute to John G. Roberts Jr. ’79 on his first decade as chief justice of the United States . . . ..

un / women peace security

The UN chief also welcomed “the growing sense of urgency from Member States, civil society and others to ensure that we are designing more effective peace processes with much stronger participation of women.” . ... The UN Women chief also said that “it is not only women whose..

once upon a time in israel

Hecht how following Nazi of Hungary during March, 1944, Kastner willingly collaborated with Dieter Wisliceny, senior aid to Gestapo Jewish Section Chief Adolph Eichmann, to save the lives of affiliates and family.. ..

police hail crime-busting database

The Corrections Department and police have created a database of DNA and fingerprints from over 48,000 inmates, which helped solve 46 criminal cases, according to the Corrections Department chief Pol Col Narat Sawettanan. . . . Narat gave the comment after his discussion on Wednesday with the Office..

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