gop tax law pushes budget deficit to $779 billion, highest since 2012

The US deficit ballooned to $779 billion this year, the highest since 2012, driven by Trump's tax law and the budget deal. ... The US deficit jumped to $779 in year 2018, the highest level since 2012, according to Treasury Department. ..

united states of america – bosnewslife

BREAKING World Remembers 'America's Pastor as Billy Graham Dies At 99. ... Categories Americas, United States of America Tags America, Billy Graham, Christians, Crusade, Ethnic, Evangelist, Florida Bible Institute, Hungarian, Pastor, Ruth Graham Leave comment.....

global zero and its nuclear globaloney

China and Russia have no incentive to attack United States, so the US can cut half its nuclear arsenal -- unilaterally -- as the US no longer has to worry about the size of Russian nuclear in measuring its own deterrent... ... In short, asserts Global Zero, the..

monday forum: october 15, 2018

United States has informed President of Honduras that no more money or aid will be given to Honduras, effective immediately.. ... Warren, Harvard professor, to Native American heritage, than the average white person in United States.. ..

a war of minds: beyond 2001-18

The in this series, published seventeen years ago this week, reported on the start of United States's against Taliban Afghanistan. ... On the day chosen, June 2018, thirty distinct attacks occurred involving Taliban, ISIS, Afghan army and police, plus United States..

trust and all-cause mortality: a multilevel study of us

We drew survey data from GSS NDI database.29 GSS started full-probability sample of adults aged 18 years and over in USA in 1972. ... Using pooled US GSS data merged with National Death Index data and applying multilevel Weibull survival regression, we found significant association..

brazil in danger: three time bombs

The time bomb was built in United States after 2009, when the US government first became aware of the fact that the subcontinent was escaping the control it had maintained throughout the century. ... Dark Money., n on PBS recently, can conclude that fakenews Brazil is the..

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