monthly review

The United States in particular and its allies of the Triad in general have always been tenacious opponents of the Afghan modernizers, communists or not. ... To those who are well-intended and express their fear that the Afghan people will then tolerate the dictatorship of the..

interview: finally, justice for victims in afghanistan?

The prosecutor is seeking permission to investigate alleged crimes against humanity and war crimes by Taliban and affiliated forces, Afghan National Security Forces, and US armed forces and Central Intelligence Agency. ... But while the US angle is important, it should not overshadow the..

afghanistan: icc prosecutor asks to open inquiry

The application seeks authorization to investigate alleged crimes against humanity and war crimes committed by Taliban and affiliated forces, Afghan National Security Forces, the US armed forces and CIA. ... The application makes assessment, crimes committed by Taliban or..

they’re only sleeping

Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence, which had helped run the Afghan war against the Soviets and later supported the Taliban, gave Yuldashev funds and a sanctuary. . ... In Afghanistan, they were received by a jubilant Yuldashev and the Taliban. ..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.