religion and the 2016 presidential candidates

Roughly half of Democratic registered voters who think Sanders is religious would be good or president, as do 49% of Democrats. About two-thirds of religiously unaffiliated Democrats who are registered to vote say Sanders would be good or President 46% of Democratic..

part 6: issues and shifting coalitions

In of the other groups, pluralities ­ or, in the case of Upbeats and Disaffecteds, majorities ­ feel that the president should choose someone. ... Across the other groups, the percentages rating deficit reduction priority range from slightly less to about four-in-ten among Disadvantaged..

house bill would quicken lawsuits against president

What Happened The Republican-controlled House of Representatives yesterday passed bill that would ease the way for Congress to sue president. The measure passed by vote of 233-181, with Democrats crossing the aisle to vote with Republicans.. ..

why dems are more worried than ever about november

These are tough times for President Obama and the Democrats. . Republican David Jolly, a former Washington lobbyist, won a closely watched House special election in Florida on Tuesday after relentlessly hammering away at Obamacare – a win that’s a bad omen for other Democratic candidates..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.