monthly review

This is not the case, for example, for such democratic stalwarts Colombia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Equatorial Guinea, Israel, or Indonesia. ..

they’re only sleeping

Basmachis were subdued, more or less, by 1924, and Stalin began redrawing the map of the area into Soviet republics — Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. ... theory among Uzbeks is that the bombing was carried out by Karimov's rivals within the regime, and Karimov..

covering azerbaijan inside and outside

Moscow Exchange to buy 20% share of Kazakhstan Exchange . . 28 September [15:26] ACD meeting chaired by Zarif held in New York 28 September [15:15] Iran's FM attends Qatar-International Crisis Group forum 28 September [14:14] Uzbekistan, EBRD mull current state, prospects for cooperation 28 September..

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