In point of fact, White House, perhaps mimicking Soviet Kremlin's relation to its clients, means to preside over aggregation of like-minded governments and submissive regimes, and any country that refuses to fall in line will be excommunicated, for siding or fellow-traveling with the..…
Pete Souza/White House President Barack Obama and General Stanley McChrystal at the White House, May 2009 . When Soviet forces began to pull out of Afghanistan in 1988 they were leaving behind a mixed group of Afghan forces, much as the Americans will be leaving behind a mixed group..…
Here, in recounting how Jew forced by Germans to kill Poles blamed Poles for their fate, Browning reaches the problem of Polish Jewish relations.2 While he is quite aware that this particular testimony must be subjected to scrutiny, his analysis consists mainly in the comparison of Jewish testimonial sources...…
., under pressure from the president's Foreign Policy Advisory Board, conducted an in-house review of its performance in analyzing Soviet strategic doctrine and military capabilities over the previous decade. . ..…
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