philippines: discrimination against workers with hiv

In the early years of Philippines HIV crisis, from 1984 to 1990, HIV was concentrated among female sex workers, according to Department of Health data. ... The Occupation Safety and Health Center, also has no database of discrimination cases filed by people with HIV, said Joyce dela Cruz,..

monthly review

Nitze, director of the Department of State’s Policy Planning Staff under Acheson, was given the leading role in drafting National Security Council Report 68 (NSC-68), which established an overall U.S. geopolitical grand strategy for waging the Cold War and global imperialism. ..

crushing dissent in the maldives

In February 2018, UN Security Council was briefed on the situation, while United States State Department called on Maldives government to respect its human rights obligations and commitments... ..

baltimore officers ‘coerced sex in exchange for immunity from

Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Vanita Gupta, right, speaks during a news conference as Police Commissioner Kevin Davis, second from right, and City Council president Bernard C. Jack Young listen at City Hall in response to a Justice Department report, Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016 in..

fueling the philippines’ hiv epidemic

A report prepared by personnel from the Department of Health’s provincial office in collaboration with local NGOs said Lee ordered the condoms be removed “because [she] doesn’t want condoms due to morality issues.”[87] Staff of some social hygiene clinics in Sorsogon City told Human Rights Watch that..

u.s. bid on iraq deemed lacking

Analysts said Europeans prefer that Bremer give way to a U.N. administrator or a 'high representative' who would report to the Security Council. . . . Europeans 'obviously want a much stronger U.N. role,' a State Department official said yesterday. . ..

defense ministry's regular press conference on sep.27

Party committees, governments and military service institutions at all levels have been adopting the thinking of President Xi Jinping's reply letter to new recruits from Nankai University implementing the order of State Council and Central Military Commission. The second question is that on..

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