monthly review

In return, the investment banks obtained what Austrian Marxist Rudolf Hiferding, in his great work, Financial Capital., called promoter's profits. Hilferding and the economist and Thorstein Veblen in United States were the greatest theorists of the rise of the new age of monopoly capital and financial..


WASHINGTON -- In victory for White House, U.S appeals court yesterday threw out the legal claims brought on behalf of the hundreds of prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay and ruled they do not have right to plead their in American court.. ..

the ndaa explained:

Passed by House and Senate last week, National Defense Authorization Act now awaits the president's signature.  President Obama had threatened to veto the bill back May, when House passed one version of it, and again November, when Senate passed another, somewhat different version of it.. ..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.