monthly review

(New York: Monthly Review Press, 2008). . ↩ Associated Press, “Obama Team Weighs Up to $850 billion Economic Jolt,” December 18, 2008. . ... (New York: Bantam, 2008); “FDR’s New Deal Blueprint for Obama,” CBS News, December 14, 2008,..

aclu suit against nsa surveillance

Timothy Edgar, Bush and Obama administration official who worked on the program, told The New York Times that part of the rationale for the database was that the collection of records was not invasion of privacy, just the examination of them. ..

james taranto's opinions

The New York Times sneers at religious liberty. . When the Archbishop Met the Persident (March 31) . ... Should the whole New York Times become an op-ed section? . Social Issues and the Santorum Surge (Feb. 18) . ..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.