monthly review
However, in the long term, according to Marx’s thesis, the rate of profit must fall. . With this “law,” Marx formulates a very far-reaching existential proposition, which cannot be empirically proven nor refuted. ..…
However, in the long term, according to Marx’s thesis, the rate of profit must fall. . With this “law,” Marx formulates a very far-reaching existential proposition, which cannot be empirically proven nor refuted. ..…
Madison also echoed Adam Smith from his earlier work in 1759 when Smith stated that “There are some situations which bear so hard upon human nature, that the greatest degree of self-government, which can belong to so imperfect a creature as man, is not able to stifle, altogether, the voice of human..…
Openness to religion briefly spiked after the fall of communism, though evidence suggests this may have been mostly a political statement against the communist regime, and since the early 1990s, the share of Czechs who say they have a religious affiliation has declined.12 . . ..…
Minnesota also has seen more than a 50 percent reduction in the number of uninsured children. . Stephanie Hogenson, research and policy director for the Children’s Defense Fund, says the GOP’s proposal to replace the ACA threatens all of the gains made, especially the cuts proposed for..…
Paul Ryan (now Speaker Ryan) introduced a Medicare voucher proposal as part of a deficit reduction package, there was little support for the proposal among Republicans or Democrats (34% each). . ..…
The US State Department has also said in statement that the truce has produced dramatic reduction in violence... ..…
As with his council term limitation proposal, Drown's federal term limitation proposal was defeated by a 3-2 vote. . Earlier, Republicans Drown and Feaga reluctantly supported Gray's bill to discount basic cable television rates for households with incomes of $20,500 or less. . ..…
Chief Leppo said race sponsors are required to post certificates stating that they have liability insurance. ... Rowe said that insurance requirement probably would not fall under the Supreme Court ruling. . ..…
A request by Marylanders of Armenian descent for a day of remembrance for thousands killed was approved yesterday. A proposal to ban the use of cell phones while driving was defeated, as was a bill to replace 'Maryland, My Maryland' as the state song. . . . . . . . ..…